The Great Corporate Debate 2010

04 Marzo 2010

¡La competencia finalizó este 18 de agosto!

Los equipos finalistas:

D&S vs. Direcon

Ganador: Direcon

Tema:When a state of emergency in an area is declared by the President, the armed forces must be sent into the area immediately to maintain law and order.
D&S          Yes
Direcon      No

Los ocho equipos  que participan en The Great Corporate Debate 2010 participaron en sesiones de entrenamiento  y el lunes 12 de Julio comenzaron  las rondas preliminares de esta competencia de debates en inglés. Debate Final: Miércoles 18  de Agosto, 19 hrs. en Salón Club de Lectores El Mercurio.

Vea las intervenciones de cada equipo:
D&S introducción

Direcon introducción

Constructive D&S

Constructive Direcon

Rebuttal Direcon

Rebuttal D&S

Conclusion Direcon

Conclusion D&S

Judge´s comments

Los profesionales de Codelco, D&S,  Direcon, Hotel Sheraton, Parque Arauco, Ripley, Seguros Interamericana y 3M que participan en esta versión recibieron clases de inglés y de oratoria, capacitación que forma parte de esta  competencia.
Los equipos conocen los temas –y que postura dentro de cada tema- deben defender con varios días de antelación, lo que les permite investigar y preparar su argumentación.

Durante 6 jornadas los equipos se enfrentaron en debates que tuvieron  como tema central la reconstrucción del país.
La Gran Final se llevó a cabo el 18 de Agosto en El Mercurio. Asistieron altas autoridades y expertos, quienes conformarán el jurado.

Primer Encuentro: Lunes 12 de Julio de 2010

1er Debate: The reconstruction program for those that suffered in February´s earthquake must be based on  government loans and credit guarantees  and not  cash gifts.

Codelco    Postura: Yes
Ripley     Postura: No

2do Debate: Chilean airports, hospitals, and schools  must have substantially higher standards of construction to withstand natural disasters such as earthquakes.

3M     Postura: Yes
Seguros Interamericana  Postura: No

Segundo Encuentro: Miércoles 14 de Julio de 2010

1er Debate: Legislation needs to be passed immediately  allowing the private sector to receive tax incentives for investing in the repair  of national heritage sites damaged by the 2010 earthquake.

Direcon    Postura: Yes
D&S     Postura: No

2do Debate: Legislation needs to be passed requiring insurance companies to settle claims for damage from earthquakes or other natural disasters within a maximum of sixty days

Sheraton    Postura: Yes
Parque Arauco   Postura: No

Tercer Encuentro: Lunes 19 de julio de 2010

1er Debate: Seismology should be an obligatory  subject in Chilean schools.

Seguros Interamericana  Postura: Yes
Ripley     Postura: No
2do Debate: When natural disasters occur be they earthquakes, tsunamis, or volcanic eruptions, the government should fix a time period not exceeding two years by which time the damage must be repaired.

Codelco    Postura: Yes
3M     Postura: No
Cuarto Encuentro: Miércoles 21 de julio de 2010

1er Debate: A seismographic network using the best  equipment available and connected to international networks must be installed in universities allowing Chilean scientists to become world leaders in  earthquake prediction.

Parque Arauco    Postura: Yes
Direcon     Postura: No

2do Debate: The reconstruction of 2010 earthquake damage should be financed by increasing corporate taxes on a temporary basis.

D&S              Postura: Yes
Sheraton     Postura: No

Quinto Encuentro, 26 de Julio

Chile needs a second North South high voltage transmission line following a route different from the first to ensure the security of power supplies in the event of major natural disasters.

Ripley     Postura: Yes
3M      Postura: No
2do Debate:
Chile´s building codes must be improved to levels such that  all buildings can remain safely inhabited after an earthquake.

Seguros Interamericana  Postura: Yes
Codelco     Postura: No

Quinto Encuentro: Miércoles 28 de Julio

1er Debate:
A reliable and easily recognizable early warning system for tsunamis needs to be installed throughout Chile.

Direcon    Yes
Sheraton    No

2do Debate:
Nuclear power is the only realistic option for Chile´s future energy requirements.

D&S             Yes
Parque Arauco    No

Semifinal: 4 de Agosto

1er Debate:
The government should not permit buildings to be rebuilt in those reconstruction  areas  determined to suffer damage from future tsunamis.

3M      Yes
D&S               No
2do Debate: Telephone systems in Chile must be made earthquake proof.

Interamericana    Yes
Direcon    No

¡La competencia finalizó este 18 de agosto!

Los equipos finalistas:

D&S vs. Direcon

Ganador: Direcon

Tema:When a state of emergency in an area is declared by the President, the armed forces must be sent into the area immediately to maintain law and order.
D&S          Yes
Direcon      No

Los ocho equipos  que participan en The Great Corporate Debate 2010 participaron en sesiones de entrenamiento  y el lunes 12 de Julio comenzaron  las rondas preliminares de esta competencia de debates en inglés. Debate Final: Miércoles 18  de Agosto, 19 hrs. en Salón Club de Lectores El Mercurio.

Vea las intervenciones de cada equipo:
D&S introducción

Direcon introducción

Constructive D&S

Constructive Direcon

Rebuttal Direcon

Rebuttal D&S

Conclusion Direcon

Conclusion D&S

Judge´s comments

Los profesionales de Codelco, D&S,  Direcon, Hotel Sheraton, Parque Arauco, Ripley, Seguros Interamericana y 3M que participan en esta versión recibieron clases de inglés y de oratoria, capacitación que forma parte de esta  competencia.
Los equipos conocen los temas –y que postura dentro de cada tema- deben defender con varios días de antelación, lo que les permite investigar y preparar su argumentación.

Durante 6 jornadas los equipos se enfrentaron en debates que tuvieron  como tema central la reconstrucción del país.
La Gran Final se llevó a cabo el 18 de Agosto en El Mercurio. Asistieron altas autoridades y expertos, quienes conformarán el jurado.

Primer Encuentro: Lunes 12 de Julio de 2010

1er Debate: The reconstruction program for those that suffered in February´s earthquake must be based on  government loans and credit guarantees  and not  cash gifts.

Codelco    Postura: Yes
Ripley     Postura: No

2do Debate: Chilean airports, hospitals, and schools  must have substantially higher standards of construction to withstand natural disasters such as earthquakes.

3M     Postura: Yes
Seguros Interamericana  Postura: No

Segundo Encuentro: Miércoles 14 de Julio de 2010

1er Debate: Legislation needs to be passed immediately  allowing the private sector to receive tax incentives for investing in the repair  of national heritage sites damaged by the 2010 earthquake.

Direcon    Postura: Yes
D&S     Postura: No

2do Debate: Legislation needs to be passed requiring insurance companies to settle claims for damage from earthquakes or other natural disasters within a maximum of sixty days

Sheraton    Postura: Yes
Parque Arauco   Postura: No

Tercer Encuentro: Lunes 19 de julio de 2010

1er Debate: Seismology should be an obligatory  subject in Chilean schools.

Seguros Interamericana  Postura: Yes
Ripley     Postura: No
2do Debate: When natural disasters occur be they earthquakes, tsunamis, or volcanic eruptions, the government should fix a time period not exceeding two years by which time the damage must be repaired.

Codelco    Postura: Yes
3M     Postura: No
Cuarto Encuentro: Miércoles 21 de julio de 2010

1er Debate: A seismographic network using the best  equipment available and connected to international networks must be installed in universities allowing Chilean scientists to become world leaders in  earthquake prediction.

Parque Arauco    Postura: Yes
Direcon     Postura: No

2do Debate: The reconstruction of 2010 earthquake damage should be financed by increasing corporate taxes on a temporary basis.

D&S              Postura: Yes
Sheraton     Postura: No

Quinto Encuentro, 26 de Julio

Chile needs a second North South high voltage transmission line following a route different from the first to ensure the security of power supplies in the event of major natural disasters.

Ripley     Postura: Yes
3M      Postura: No
2do Debate:
Chile´s building codes must be improved to levels such that  all buildings can remain safely inhabited after an earthquake.

Seguros Interamericana  Postura: Yes
Codelco     Postura: No

Quinto Encuentro: Miércoles 28 de Julio

1er Debate:
A reliable and easily recognizable early warning system for tsunamis needs to be installed throughout Chile.

Direcon    Yes
Sheraton    No

2do Debate:
Nuclear power is the only realistic option for Chile´s future energy requirements.

D&S             Yes
Parque Arauco    No

Semifinal: 4 de Agosto

1er Debate:
The government should not permit buildings to be rebuilt in those reconstruction  areas  determined to suffer damage from future tsunamis.

3M      Yes
D&S               No
2do Debate: Telephone systems in Chile must be made earthquake proof.

Interamericana    Yes
Direcon    No
