Studies and Special Projects Department

24 Septiembre 2007

The Studies Department carries out technical studies that support AmCham's position in different areas of public policy.  Periodically updated reports, studies and other documents, practical guides, and a list of services offered through this department can be found below.

A. PeriodicReports

1. Monthly and annual report on Bilateral Trade between Chile and the US.

2.  Information about trade in services between Chile and the US. 

3. Report on Foreign Direct Investment between Chile and the US.  Central Bank of Chile Data Report | Bureau of Economic Analysis  Data Report

Salaries in Chile by occupation, industry, and region.

5. PowerPoint Presentation Kit about Chile.  A presentation in English about current structural aspects of the Chilean economy, available for members' use for their own presentations.  The presentation can be used as provided by AmCham or modified.  Updated on a monthly basis.  For access login with your member name and password.

6. Economic variables for Chile and the United States. 
Updated on a monthly basis.

B. Series of Technical Studies
(This series was launched in April 2010).

Working Document I"El Convenio para evitar la Doble Tributación entre Chile y Estados Unidos".  (The Double Taxation Treaty between Chile and the United States).  A collection of articles.

NEW! Working Document II: "La Propiedad Intelectual y el TLC con los EE.UU." (Intellectual Property and the FTA with the United States).  A collection of articles.  INCLUDES AN ARTICLE ON THE DECEMBER 2010 REFORMS ON DATA EXCLUSIVITY.

Working Document III: "Perfil del Comercio Alimentario entre Chile-EEUU: Identificando Nichos".  (Profile of Trade in Foodstuffs between Chile and the United States:  Identifying Niches).  An analysis of the sector with the objective of finding opportunities within the food market in the United States, as related to the Chilean supply.

C. Practical Guides and other Documents

1. How to do Business in the US.

2.  Information by US State.  State specific information on state economy, bilateral trade with Chile, doing business guides, businesses, government, and chambers of commerce, etc. (in Spanish).  Site is currently under construction.  Completed states include:  Florida, California, New York, Illinois, Wisconsin, Georgia, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

3. How to do Business in Chile.

4. Policies, logistics, and marketing in the US Food Market.: 
Trascription of the international seminar with Chilean public sector authorities, US experts, and Chilean business-men and women.

5.  Information on the US Foodstuffs Market

6. Documents analyzing the FTA between Chile and the United States.  Click here.

7. Information about Chile
 created by AmCham and from reputable international sources.  

8. Structure of the National Executive Branch of Chile

9.  Information about the
Double Taxation Treaty (most resources in Spanish, text of treaty available in English). 


D. Business Opportunities 

Federal Business Opportunities in the United States.  Click here.  (In Spanish)

E. Services Offered to Members

1. Market studies
– AmCham offers, upon request, individualized international trade studies on your specific product of interest.  We also offer a collection of market studies published by other organizations on various products and industries available online here.

2. Contact Lists – We offer a business contact search service in Chile and the US which includes names, telephone numbers, addresses, and other relevant information.  Please contact the Department for further information.

3. Trade statistics – Specific studies on imports and exports, upon request.

4. Trade Missions –
Coordination of meetings, lodging, translation, conference rooms, and other aspects of your stay for trade missions to and from the United States.

5. Marketing assistance for Trade Shows –Preparation and contact service for attendance at trade shows.

(May 2011)

The Studies Department carries out technical studies that support AmCham's position in different areas of public policy.  Periodically updated reports, studies and other documents, practical guides, and a list of services offered through this department can be found below.

A. PeriodicReports

1. Monthly and annual report on Bilateral Trade between Chile and the US.

2.  Information about trade in services between Chile and the US. 

3. Report on Foreign Direct Investment between Chile and the US.  Central Bank of Chile Data Report | Bureau of Economic Analysis  Data Report

Salaries in Chile by occupation, industry, and region.

5. PowerPoint Presentation Kit about Chile.  A presentation in English about current structural aspects of the Chilean economy, available for members' use for their own presentations.  The presentation can be used as provided by AmCham or modified.  Updated on a monthly basis.  For access login with your member name and password.

6. Economic variables for Chile and the United States. 
Updated on a monthly basis.

B. Series of Technical Studies
(This series was launched in April 2010).

Working Document I"El Convenio para evitar la Doble Tributación entre Chile y Estados Unidos".  (The Double Taxation Treaty between Chile and the United States).  A collection of articles.

NEW! Working Document II: "La Propiedad Intelectual y el TLC con los EE.UU." (Intellectual Property and the FTA with the United States).  A collection of articles.  INCLUDES AN ARTICLE ON THE DECEMBER 2010 REFORMS ON DATA EXCLUSIVITY.

Working Document III: "Perfil del Comercio Alimentario entre Chile-EEUU: Identificando Nichos".  (Profile of Trade in Foodstuffs between Chile and the United States:  Identifying Niches).  An analysis of the sector with the objective of finding opportunities within the food market in the United States, as related to the Chilean supply.

C. Practical Guides and other Documents

1. How to do Business in the US.

2.  Information by US State.  State specific information on state economy, bilateral trade with Chile, doing business guides, businesses, government, and chambers of commerce, etc. (in Spanish).  Site is currently under construction.  Completed states include:  Florida, California, New York, Illinois, Wisconsin, Georgia, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

3. How to do Business in Chile.

4. Policies, logistics, and marketing in the US Food Market.: 
Trascription of the international seminar with Chilean public sector authorities, US experts, and Chilean business-men and women.

5.  Information on the US Foodstuffs Market

6. Documents analyzing the FTA between Chile and the United States.  Click here.

7. Information about Chile
 created by AmCham and from reputable international sources.  

8. Structure of the National Executive Branch of Chile

9.  Information about the
Double Taxation Treaty (most resources in Spanish, text of treaty available in English). 


D. Business Opportunities 

Federal Business Opportunities in the United States.  Click here.  (In Spanish)

E. Services Offered to Members

1. Market studies
– AmCham offers, upon request, individualized international trade studies on your specific product of interest.  We also offer a collection of market studies published by other organizations on various products and industries available online here.

2. Contact Lists – We offer a business contact search service in Chile and the US which includes names, telephone numbers, addresses, and other relevant information.  Please contact the Department for further information.

3. Trade statistics – Specific studies on imports and exports, upon request.

4. Trade Missions –
Coordination of meetings, lodging, translation, conference rooms, and other aspects of your stay for trade missions to and from the United States.

5. Marketing assistance for Trade Shows –Preparation and contact service for attendance at trade shows.

(May 2011)