SAME Conference – SAME National Education and Training Conference

27 Noviembre 2007

Próxima Fecha: 20 - 23 de mayo de 2008
Lugar: Minneapolis, Minnesota:
Minneapolis Convention Center
Frecuencia: Anualmente
Organizador: Society of American Military Engineers
607 Prince Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-3117Fono:    ++1-703-549-3800
Fax:       ++1-703-684-0231
Sector Principal: Sistemas de seguridad, protección contra catástrofes (sector 72)
Sitio Web:

SAME is the premier professional engineering association in the United States for connecting architects, engineers and builders in the public sector and private industry, uniting them to improve individual and collective capabilities for national security. Our goal is to unite A/E/C entities and individuals in the public and private sector so that we can prepare for – and overcome – natural and manmade disasters, acts of terrorism and improve security at home and abroad.

Próxima Fecha: 20 - 23 de mayo de 2008
Lugar: Minneapolis, Minnesota:
Minneapolis Convention Center
Frecuencia: Anualmente
Organizador: Society of American Military Engineers
607 Prince Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-3117

Fono:    ++1-703-549-3800
Fax:       ++1-703-684-0231
Sector Principal: Sistemas de seguridad, protección contra catástrofes (sector 72)
Sitio Web:

SAME is the premier professional engineering association in the United States for connecting architects, engineers and builders in the public sector and private industry, uniting them to improve individual and collective capabilities for national security. Our goal is to unite A/E/C entities and individuals in the public and private sector so that we can prepare for – and overcome – natural and manmade disasters, acts of terrorism and improve security at home and abroad.