Presidentes se comprometen a profundizar TLC.

22 Marzo 2011

Tras la reunión bilateral, los Presidentes Obama y Piñera entregaron una declaración en la que alaban el resultado del TLC y se comprometes a profundizarlo. Puede leer el párrafo correspondiente más abajo.

"Ambos Presidentes subrayaron que en los siete años transcurridos desde que entró en vigencia el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC), no sólo se han mejorado las condiciones para el intercambio de bienes y servicios, sino que se han abierto nuevas oportunidades de negocios, promoviendo la diversificación de productos y un mayor acceso para productos agrícolas. Además, constataron con satisfacción que los volúmenes de comercio bilateral se han duplicado desde 2004 y celebraron el compromiso de una completa implementación del TLC, incluyendo progresos significativos en propiedad intelectual en 2011.

Al mismo tiempo, destacaron el compromiso de continuar las conversaciones en aspectos específicos para profundizar la relación comercial. Los Presidentes también identificaron las oportunidades económicas que el Acuerdo Estratégico Transpacífico de Asociación Económica presenta para Chile y Estados Unidos, y la importancia de negociar, lo antes posible, un instrumento amplio y de alta calidad.
Con el objeto de seguir estimulando el comercio como promotor del desarrollo económico y la creación de empleos para las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMEs), ambos mandatarios apoyaron la formación de una alianza entre la Dirección de Promoción de Exportaciones (PROCHILE) y la International Trade Administration (ITA), para establecer un sistema de cooperación e intercambio dirigido a capacitar empresarios y funcionarios gubernamentales de ambos países".

Puede leer la declaración conjunta de ambos Presidentes aquí.


"Chile is one of the great success stories of this region. It’s built a robust democracy. It’s been one of the most open and fastest growing economies in the world. The spirit and resilience of the Chilean people, especially after last year’s earthquake, have inspired people across the globe. And in my speech this afternoon, I look forward to paying tribute to Chile’s progress and the lessons it offers as America forges a new era of partnership across the Americas.
I was proud to welcome President Piñera to Washington last year for our Nuclear Security Summit. Mr. President, I want to commend you on your decisive leadership in these first few months of office, and first year of office, a time that’s been obviously very difficult and has tested the people of Chile. I want to thank you for the focus and energy that you’ve brought to the partnership between our two countries, which we have strengthened today.
We’re moving ahead with efforts to expand trade and investment, as the President mentioned. Under our existing trade agreement, trade between the United States and Chile has more than doubled, creating new jobs and opportunities in both our countries. But I believe and President Piñera believes that there’s always more we can do to expand our economic cooperation.
So today we recommitted ourselves to fully implementing our free trade agreement to include protections of intellectual property so our businesses can innovate and stay competitive. We agreed to build on the progress we’re making towards a Trans-Pacific Partnership so we can seize the full potential of trade in the Asia Pacific, especially for our small and medium businesses.
It’s my hope that, along with our other partners, we can reach an agreement on the framework for the TPP by the end of this year, an agreement that can serve as a model for the 21st century.
We’re expanding the clean energy partnerships that are key to creating green jobs and addressing climate change, which is evident in the glacier melt in this region. As a member of the Energy and Climate Partnership for the Americas that I proposed, Chile is already sharing its expertise with solar with the region.
I want to commend President Piñera for agreeing to take another step, hosting a new center to address glacier melt in the Andes. In addition, a new U.S.-Chile Energy Business Council will encourage collaborations between our companies in areas like energy efficiency and renewable technologies.".

Tras la reunión bilateral, los Presidentes Obama y Piñera entregaron una declaración en la que alaban el resultado del TLC y se comprometes a profundizarlo. Puede leer el párrafo correspondiente más abajo.

"Ambos Presidentes subrayaron que en los siete años transcurridos desde que entró en vigencia el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC), no sólo se han mejorado las condiciones para el intercambio de bienes y servicios, sino que se han abierto nuevas oportunidades de negocios, promoviendo la diversificación de productos y un mayor acceso para productos agrícolas. Además, constataron con satisfacción que los volúmenes de comercio bilateral se han duplicado desde 2004 y celebraron el compromiso de una completa implementación del TLC, incluyendo progresos significativos en propiedad intelectual en 2011.

Al mismo tiempo, destacaron el compromiso de continuar las conversaciones en aspectos específicos para profundizar la relación comercial. Los Presidentes también identificaron las oportunidades económicas que el Acuerdo Estratégico Transpacífico de Asociación Económica presenta para Chile y Estados Unidos, y la importancia de negociar, lo antes posible, un instrumento amplio y de alta calidad.
Con el objeto de seguir estimulando el comercio como promotor del desarrollo económico y la creación de empleos para las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMEs), ambos mandatarios apoyaron la formación de una alianza entre la Dirección de Promoción de Exportaciones (PROCHILE) y la International Trade Administration (ITA), para establecer un sistema de cooperación e intercambio dirigido a capacitar empresarios y funcionarios gubernamentales de ambos países".

Puede leer la declaración conjunta de ambos Presidentes aquí.


"Chile is one of the great success stories of this region. It’s built a robust democracy. It’s been one of the most open and fastest growing economies in the world. The spirit and resilience of the Chilean people, especially after last year’s earthquake, have inspired people across the globe. And in my speech this afternoon, I look forward to paying tribute to Chile’s progress and the lessons it offers as America forges a new era of partnership across the Americas.
I was proud to welcome President Piñera to Washington last year for our Nuclear Security Summit. Mr. President, I want to commend you on your decisive leadership in these first few months of office, and first year of office, a time that’s been obviously very difficult and has tested the people of Chile. I want to thank you for the focus and energy that you’ve brought to the partnership between our two countries, which we have strengthened today.
We’re moving ahead with efforts to expand trade and investment, as the President mentioned. Under our existing trade agreement, trade between the United States and Chile has more than doubled, creating new jobs and opportunities in both our countries. But I believe and President Piñera believes that there’s always more we can do to expand our economic cooperation.
So today we recommitted ourselves to fully implementing our free trade agreement to include protections of intellectual property so our businesses can innovate and stay competitive. We agreed to build on the progress we’re making towards a Trans-Pacific Partnership so we can seize the full potential of trade in the Asia Pacific, especially for our small and medium businesses.
It’s my hope that, along with our other partners, we can reach an agreement on the framework for the TPP by the end of this year, an agreement that can serve as a model for the 21st century.
We’re expanding the clean energy partnerships that are key to creating green jobs and addressing climate change, which is evident in the glacier melt in this region. As a member of the Energy and Climate Partnership for the Americas that I proposed, Chile is already sharing its expertise with solar with the region.
I want to commend President Piñera for agreeing to take another step, hosting a new center to address glacier melt in the Andes. In addition, a new U.S.-Chile Energy Business Council will encourage collaborations between our companies in areas like energy efficiency and renewable technologies.".
