Nuevo Director Ejecutivo en AmCham ChileNew Executive Director of AmCham Chile

05 Marzo 2012
Después de casi 15 años como Gerente General de la Cámara Chileno Norteamericana de Comercio (AmCham), Jaime Bazán deja el cargo para asumir nuevos desafíos profesionales. En su reemplazo estamos muy contentos de informar que a partir del 1º de abril de 2012, asumirá como Director Ejecutivo de AmCham el Sr. Rodrigo Ballivián Astorga.

Quiero reconocer públicamente el aporte que Jaime ha hecho a esta institución, la que le está muy agradecida y le debe mucho.   Sé que interpreto a todos los socios y al Directorio de AmCham al desearle mucho éxito en los nuevos desafíos que emprenderá. En el mes de Marzo, Jaime hará un traspaso ordenado de sus funciones a Rodrigo. Y estamos particularmente agradecidos de que Jaime, a partir del 1 de Abril, continuará ligado a la cámara, como Asesor del Director Ejecutivo y del Directorio. Esto garantiza que el traspaso de su vasta experiencia al nuevo equipo será del máximo beneficio para todos los socios.

Asimismo aprovecho la oportunidad para dar la bienvenida a Rodrigo, quien tendrá como foco cumplir la Misión de la Cámara que es "Promover el libre comercio y los negocios entre Chile y  EEUU".   Esta es una tarea que permanentemente hay que renovar para continuar siendo competitivos y seguir creciendo.  No está demás repetir la importancia que el mercado estadounidense tiene para Chile.

Para cumplir este objetivo, Rodrigo cuenta con el profesionalismo y experiencia del equipo de AmCham, así como con el compromiso de los integrantes del Directorio y Consejeros. Y no podemos dejar de mencionar el importante aporte de muchos de nuestros socios en los Comités de trabajo.

Rodrigo Ballivián Astorga es Ingeniero Comercial de la Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, con estudios de postgrado en Negocios Internacionales en la Universidad de Grenoble (Francia).

Durante sus 30 años de carrera profesional ha desempeñado los más altos cargos gerenciales en empresas multinacionales.  Fue Presidente de la Corporación Nacional de Exportadores y actualmente sigue desempeñándose como Consejero titular del Consejo Nacional de Producción Limpia. Antes de formar su propia empresa de Gestión y Desarrollo Estratégico, se desempeñó cinco años como Director Ejecutivo para Latinoamérica de Scientific Games Corp.

Invito a todos ustedes a darle la bienvenida a Rodrigo  a su cargo de Director Ejecutivo de AmCham. Lo pueden hacer al mail [email protected] . También los invito a participar activamente de nuestras actividades, así como a entregar sus opiniones y recomendaciones a Rodrigo, para continuar haciendo de AmCham una herramienta clave en el desarrollo de sus negocios.

Javier Irarrázaval A.


Amcham Chile

After nearly 15 years as General Manager of the Chilean-American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham), Jaime Bazán has announced his resignation in order to take on new professional duties.  We are very pleased to inform you that as of April 1, 2012, Mr. Rodrigo Ballivian Astorga will assume the role of Executive Director of AmCham.

I would like to recognize publicly the support that Jaime has contributed to this institution, for which we thank him sincerely and owe him our greatest gratitude. I know that I can speak for all of the members and Directors of AmCham in wishing him much success in the future challenges he will take on. During the month of March, Jaime will conduct an orderly transfer of his responsibilities to his successor, Rodrigo. We are also extremely thankful to Jaime for his agreeing to maintain his ties with the chamber, as he will continue as Advisor to the Executive Director beginning on April 1. This will guarantee the transfer of his vast experience to the new team will be for the maximum benefit of our members.

Likewise, I would like to take the opportunity to welcome Rodrigo, who will focus on fulfilling the Mission of the Chamber, "To promote free trade and business between Chile and the U.S.". This is a job that will require us to constantly adapt in order to continue being competitive and to continue growing. It doesn't hurt to repeat the importance of the United States' market for Chile.

To fulfil this objective, Rodrigo has the professional support and experience of the AmCham team, as well as the commitment of the Directors and members of the Advisory Council. We also cannot forget to mention the important participation of our members in the working Committees.

Rodrigo Ballivian Astorga holds a Business degree from Adolfo Ibañez University, and continued his postgraduate studies in International Business at the University of Grenoble (France).

During his 30-year career he has held the highest management positions in multinational companies.  He was President of the National Corporation of Exporters, and currently continues to work as a counsellor of the National Council of Clean Production. Before starting his own company of Management and Strategic Development, he worked for five years as the Executive Director in Latin America for the business Scientific Games Corp.

I invite you all to welcome Rodrigo to his position of Executive Director of AmCham.  You can do so by e-mail at: [email protected] . I also invite and encourage you to participate actively in our activities, as well as to send your opinions and recommendations to Rodrigo, so we may continue to make AmCham an essential tool in the development of your business.

Javier Irarrázaval A.
AmCham Chile
