Los socios de AmCham tendrán un 10 por ciento de descuento en la contratación de todos los servicios de esta empresa internacional especialista en capital humano y que tiene sede en más de 100 países.
People truly are the number one asset of a Company. People make companies successful; companies do not make people successful.
Profiles assessments reduce employers’ stress in making good hiring and management decisions.
Profiles enables organizations to build high- performance workforces. At Profiles, we believe that the keys to the development of a high performance workforce are excellence in hiring, focused training, genuine motivation, enthusiastic engagement, quality succession planning, high retention and superior management and leadership.
At Profiles we believe that people succeed because of their strengths; they do not fail because of their weaknesses. Absence of a strength is not a weakness.
As a company, Profiles makes certain that we “measure what we say we measure” to assure that our products truly help place people in jobs that they love. When this happens, employees are engaged and enthusiastic and their employers are more profitable and successful.
The predictive reliability and validity scores for Profiles assessments are the highest in the industry and Profiles has created the most sophisticated Internet delivery system in the industry.
Profiles has offices in every major city in the U.S. and in 100 countries worldwide. Its products are translated in 25 languages.

Los socios de AmCham tendrán un 10 por ciento de descuento en la contratación de todos los servicios de esta empresa internacional especialista en capital humano y que tiene sede en más de 100 países.
People truly are the number one asset of a Company. People make companies successful; companies do not make people successful.
Profiles assessments reduce employers’ stress in making good hiring and management decisions.
Profiles enables organizations to build high- performance workforces. At Profiles, we believe that the keys to the development of a high performance workforce are excellence in hiring, focused training, genuine motivation, enthusiastic engagement, quality succession planning, high retention and superior management and leadership.
At Profiles we believe that people succeed because of their strengths; they do not fail because of their weaknesses. Absence of a strength is not a weakness.
As a company, Profiles makes certain that we “measure what we say we measure” to assure that our products truly help place people in jobs that they love. When this happens, employees are engaged and enthusiastic and their employers are more profitable and successful.
The predictive reliability and validity scores for Profiles assessments are the highest in the industry and Profiles has created the most sophisticated Internet delivery system in the industry.
Profiles has offices in every major city in the U.S. and in 100 countries worldwide. Its products are translated in 25 languages.