NRA Show – The International Foodservice Marketplace

26 Diciembre 2007

Próxima Fecha: 17 - 20 de mayo de 2008
Lugar: Chicago, Illinois: McCormick Place
Frecuencia: Anualmente
Organizador: National Restaurant Asso. Conv. Office
150 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60601-7569Fono:  ++1-312-853-2525
Fax:    ++1-312- 853-2548
Sector Principal: Sector de la alimentación (productos alimenticios y estimulantes) (sector 24)
Sitio Web:

Attend the Western Hemisphere's largest foodservice and hospitality event. No matter what type of operation you run, NRA Show 2008 has what you need. Major areas of focus include food, beverage, equipment, smallwares, apparel, tabletop, furnishings, design, technology, and services.

Más Información:

The National Restaurant Association welcomes visitors from 115 countries to the NRA Show. We recognize that your time in the United States is valuable, and offer the following services to make your experience at the NRA Show as easy and profitable as possible.

Making travel arrangements
Consult the NRA International Travel Desk to make hotel and travel arrangements.

Obtaining a visa
Here's what you need to know:
Getting your visa

Multi-Language Brochures
These brochures profile NRA Show 2008 and its special events in multiple languages including English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Chinese.

Spanish (2.7 MB PDF)

Próxima Fecha: 17 - 20 de mayo de 2008
Lugar: Chicago, Illinois: McCormick Place
Frecuencia: Anualmente
Organizador: National Restaurant Asso. Conv. Office
150 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60601-7569

Fono:  ++1-312-853-2525
Fax:    ++1-312- 853-2548
Sector Principal: Sector de la alimentación (productos alimenticios y estimulantes) (sector 24)
Sitio Web:

Attend the Western Hemisphere's largest foodservice and hospitality event. No matter what type of operation you run, NRA Show 2008 has what you need. Major areas of focus include food, beverage, equipment, smallwares, apparel, tabletop, furnishings, design, technology, and services.

Más Información:

The National Restaurant Association welcomes visitors from 115 countries to the NRA Show. We recognize that your time in the United States is valuable, and offer the following services to make your experience at the NRA Show as easy and profitable as possible.

Making travel arrangements
Consult the NRA International Travel Desk to make hotel and travel arrangements.

Obtaining a visa
Here's what you need to know:
Getting your visa

Multi-Language Brochures
These brochures profile NRA Show 2008 and its special events in multiple languages including English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Chinese.

Spanish (2.7 MB PDF)