Noticias AmCham Octubre 2005AmCham News October 2005
Kathleen Barclay, directora de AmCham Chile y socia de O'Leary & Barclay, fue elegida presidenta de la Asociación Americana de Cámaras de Comercio de América Latina (AACCLA) por un período de un año. Dicha elección se realizó durante la reunión anual que dicho organismo efectuó recientemente en Washington.
AmCham is proud to announce that Kathleen Barclay, the chair of its Editorial Committee and one of the Chamber’s past presidents, has been elected to chair the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America (AACCLA) for the next year. Previously the treasurer of AACCLA, she is the first member of AmCham Chile - and the first woman - to chair the organization which brings together 23 American Chambers from around Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition, Richard Diego, past president of AmCham Chile, has been elected as a director of AACCLA. AmCham president, Michael Grasty, traveled to Washington for AACCLA’s annual meeting during which he was invited to talk about the investment situation in the region at a round table of business leaders from the United States and Latin America.