Las razones de EE.UU. para mantener a Chile en Priority Watch List

02 Mayo 2007

El USTR ha informado que Chile permanecerá en esta categoría durante este año. Para conocer los argumentos que han esgrimido, transcribimos a continuación los detalles de su declaración.

Chile will remain on the Priority Watch List in 2007. Chile was elevated
from the Watch List to the Priority Watch List at the conclusion of an
Out-of-Cycle Review in January 2007. The United States remains concerned
about inadequate protection against unfair commercial use for data generated to obtain marketing approval; insufficient coordination between Chile’s health and patent authorities to prevent the issuance of marketing approvalsfor patent-infringing pharmaceutical products; continuing copyright piracy and trademark counterfeiting; and the need for greater efforts to meet
standards set out in the TRIPS Agreement, the United States - Chile FTA, and other international agreements.

The United States notes in particular that Chile apparently has not fully implemented legislation to comply with FTA obligations where the transition periods expired as of January 1, 2006.
Copyright piracy in Chile remains high and digital piracy continues to grow.
In addition, copyright and trademark enforcement must be significantly
improved, including the imposition of deterrent penalties in criminal IPR
cases. Significant amendments to Chile’s IPR legislation are needed to bring Chile’s IPR regime into line with its multilateral and bilateral
commitments. The United States will continue to work with Chile, with the
expectation of imminent progress through the implementation of its IPR
commitments in the FTA.
