01 Marzo 2006

Jaime Bazán Ried es Gerente General de la Cámara Chileno Norteamericana de Comercio (AmCham) desde Julio de 1997. Anteriormente fue funcionario diplomático, ejerciendo funciones en las áreas política, económica, administrativa y consular del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.

Estuvo destinado en la Embajada de Chile en Estados Unidos, en la Misión de Chile ante Naciones Unidas y terminó su carrera en el exterior como Cónsul General de Chile en Puerto Rico.

En Chile fue jefe de Gabinete del Director General de Política Exterior y a cargo de la campaña Imagen País en ProChile.

Jaime Bazán fue Director de la Asociación de Funcionarios Diplomáticos de Carrera (ADICA).
En la actualidad es Director y socio de la sociedad Castillo Hidalgo S.A., Vicepresidente para Asuntos de Membresía de la Asociación Americana de Cámaras de Comercio de Latino América (AACCLA)
y Presidente de la Fundación María de la Luz Zañartu y Director de la Cámara Chileno Americana de Washington, EEUU.

Estudió Ciencias Economicas en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad de Chile y Diplomacia en la Academia Diplomática de Chile.

Es casado y tiene tres hijos.

Jaime Bazán is the General Manager of the Chilean American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) since July 1997.
Before taking that position, he had a long career within the Chilean diplomatic service that started in 1975.
Through his diplomatic career he worked in the political, economic, administrative and consular areas of the Foreign Ministry.
He was Chief of Staff of the Ministry’s Foreign Policy division.
In 1979 he was assigned to the Chilean Embassy in the USA.
He also served at the
Mission of Chile to the UN, where he wasPresident of the Conference Committee in 1990. His last post in the Foreign Service was as Chile’s Consul General in Puerto Rico.

Mr. Bazán returned to Chile in 1996 and became the Director of ProChile`s Economic and Commercial Positioning Campaign for Chile in the US.
That same year, Mr. Bazán was elected Director of the Association of Career Diplomats (ADICA), where he also became the treasurer and created the newsletter of that organization “ Al Día”.
In December of 1997, he became the coordinator of the International Marketing Unit of ProChile where he worked until he resigned to the Ministry of Foreign Relations in June 1997.

Mr. Bazan is President of Fundación María de la Luz Zañartu, a non profit organization who cares about homeless children, Vice President for Membership Relations
of the Association of American Chambers
of Commerce in Latin America (AACCLA)
member of the Board of Castillo Hidalgo S.A. and member of the Board of the Chilean American Chamber of Commerce in Wash. D.C.
Mr. Bazan is married and father of three kids.
