Water Quality Association 30th Annual convention and Exhibition
Water Management 2008, Exhibition and Conference will act as the platform for the industries in the field of water to get a competitive edge on their competitors. With the event’s focus on new Technologies, equipment and innovative ideas, many Companies and Governmental officials hope to find solutions to major water issues facing today. With that in mind, the primary effort at this exhibition and conference will be technologies whose methods and practices operate in efficient and environmentally-friendly ways.
Air & WMA - Air & Waste Management Association Annual Meeting & Exhibition
After 100 years of environmental stewardship, its a new day for the Air and Waste Management Association. Together, we have achieved a great deal. Work remains to be done, yet we take pride in knowing our dedication has brought about true progress. That experience has made us leaders of the environmental community. A&WMA´s second century kicks off in June of 2008 in Portland, Oregon. In the heart of a city noted for its progressive attitude and desire to sustain its stunning natural setting, we´ll be inspiring solutions for the envorionmental challenges ahead. Mark your calendar now, and prepare yourself to step into the future of air quality, waste and environmental management. American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exhibition
The future demands that the water profession be more innovative, more efficient, and more prepared than ever before. At ACE08, you will gain the knowledge and vision that are essential to your job and to your industry. ACE08 is your connection to your profession and to the future, which begins at ACE08 in Atlanta
Water Quality Association 30th Annual convention and Exhibition
Water Management 2008, Exhibition and Conference will act as the platform for the industries in the field of water to get a competitive edge on their competitors. With the event’s focus on new Technologies, equipment and innovative ideas, many Companies and Governmental officials hope to find solutions to major water issues facing today. With that in mind, the primary effort at this exhibition and conference will be technologies whose methods and practices operate in efficient and environmentally-friendly ways.
Air & WMA - Air & Waste Management Association Annual Meeting & Exhibition
After 100 years of environmental stewardship, its a new day for the Air and Waste Management Association. Together, we have achieved a great deal. Work remains to be done, yet we take pride in knowing our dedication has brought about true progress. That experience has made us leaders of the environmental community. A&WMA´s second century kicks off in June of 2008 in Portland, Oregon. In the heart of a city noted for its progressive attitude and desire to sustain its stunning natural setting, we´ll be inspiring solutions for the envorionmental challenges ahead. Mark your calendar now, and prepare yourself to step into the future of air quality, waste and environmental management. American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exhibition
The future demands that the water profession be more innovative, more efficient, and more prepared than ever before. At ACE08, you will gain the knowledge and vision that are essential to your job and to your industry. ACE08 is your connection to your profession and to the future, which begins at ACE08 in Atlanta