EXPOMIN – Exposicion Mundial para la Mineria Latinoamericana

27 Noviembre 2007

Próxima Fecha: 15 - 18 de abril de 2008
Lugar: Santiago, Chile
Espacio Riesco
Año de fundación: 1990
Frecuencia: Cada dos años
Organizador: Rebeca Uribe - Dirección Comunicaciones y RR.PP.
Avda. El Salto 5000 - Huechuraba
Santiago, Chile

Fon: 56-2-5307000
Email: [email protected]
Sector Principal: Minería (sector 12)
Sitio Web: http://www.expomin.cl/

10 years providing the best business opportunities.   Consolidated as the World Mining Centre which takes place biennially in Santiago – Chile, the capital of the most important mining company in the world. The 2008 event boasts an area of 50,000 square meters which awaits 1,000 exhibitors from 25 countries.  It counts on the firm backing of the Chilean Government, The Mining Ministry and the major private trade associations from the industry such as the Mining Council. SONAMI and APRIMIN

Próxima Fecha: 15 - 18 de abril de 2008
Lugar: Santiago, Chile
Espacio Riesco
Año de fundación: 1990
Frecuencia: Cada dos años
Organizador: Rebeca Uribe - Dirección Comunicaciones y RR.PP.
Avda. El Salto 5000 - Huechuraba
Santiago, Chile

Fon: 56-2-5307000
Email: [email protected]
Sector Principal: Minería (sector 12)
Sitio Web: http://www.expomin.cl/

10 years providing the best business opportunities.   Consolidated as the World Mining Centre which takes place biennially in Santiago – Chile, the capital of the most important mining company in the world. The 2008 event boasts an area of 50,000 square meters which awaits 1,000 exhibitors from 25 countries.  It counts on the firm backing of the Chilean Government, The Mining Ministry and the major private trade associations from the industry such as the Mining Council. SONAMI and APRIMIN