Co-Presidente, Michael Combes, Marco Chilena; Co-Presidenta, Vice-Presidenta, Ruth Bradley, Freelance Journalist.
Kathleen Barclay, President AmCham Chile, Roberto Matus, Gerente General, Gonzalo Iglesias, IC Packaging;Ari Bermann, 3M Chile; John Byrne, Boyden Consultores Chile; Philip Somervell, People & Partners; John P. Dill, Project Management; Francisco Garcés, Banco de Chile; Gideon Long, BBC/The Economist; Vincent McCord, Asesorías e Inversiones CarCon; James Newbold, Tanager Investment; Roberto Ossandón, Ossandón Abogados, Luz María Aguirre y Julio Bustamante, AmCham y Alejandra Rivera, DF.
EDITORIAL BOARDCHAIR, Kathleen Barclay, Asesorías KCB; VICE CHAIR, Karen Poniachik, British American Tobacco Chile; VICE CHAIR, Manuel José Vial, Grupo Vial Abogados; PAST CHAIR, Michael Combes, Marco Chilena; GENERAL EDITOR, Julian Dowling, AmCham Chile; ASSISTANT EDITOR, Mariana Ossa, AmCham Chile.
Jaime Bazán, AmCham Chile; Ruth Bradley, The Economist; John Byrne, Boyden Consultores Chile; Richard Diego, Royal Bank of Canada; John P. Dill, Project Management; Francisco Garcés, Banco de Chile; Claudio Hohmann, D&S; Javier Irarrázaval, The Walt Disney Company Chile; Charles Kimber, Celulosa Arauco y Constitución; Olga Kliwadenko, K&D Comunicaciones; Gideon Long, BBC; Vincent McCord, Asesorías e Inversiones CarCon; James Newbold, Tanager Investment; Patricia O'Shea, AmCham Chile; Roberto Ossandón, Ossandón Abogados; Rodrigo Silva, Silva & Asociados; Mitch Larsen, U.S. Embassy; Paulina Dellafiori,AmCham Chile.