Chile at a Glance
Información propia y de terceros para caracterizar la economía de Chile
AMCHAM´s Welcome to Chile - An AmchamChile guide to doing business in Chile (editada en 2008). Puede solicitar la versión electrónica o una copia en papel aqui. Request a copy here.
Amcham´s Presentation Kit. Powerpoint Presentation about various aspects of the Chilean economy and business environment, updated monthly. Presentación en PowerPoint sobre aspectos estructurales y coyunturales de la economía chilena, actualizada mensualmente. Vea más/See here.
Variables Económicas de Chile y EEUU. US and Chile Economic variables.
Estructura del Poder Ejecutivo (Administración) Nacional de Chile/Structure of the National Executive Branch of Chile. Ver aquí para español | See here for English
Salarios en Chile, actualizado mensualmente. Average salaries in Chile. Ver aqui
This is Chile, del Gobierno de Chile. Ver aquí.
Chile en el World Factbook de la CIA. Ver aqui.
Chile - Background Notes del Departamento de Estado de los EEUU. Ver aquí
Chile en el Fondo Monetario Internacional. Ver aqui.
Chile en el Banco Mundial. Ver aqui.
Chile - Country Commercial Guide del Departamento de Comercio de los EEUU (incluye un capítulo sobre Investment Climate Report). Ver aqui
National Trade Estimate del Departamento de Estado de los EEUU. Ver aqui
Política Comercial de Chile (Trade Policy Review) de la OMC. Ver aqui
Doing Business en Chile, de Deloitte. Ver aqui
Doing Business en Chile, Price Waterhouse Coopers - Ver aquí
FMI sobre la Economia Chilena (Chile: 2010 Article IV Consultation—Staff Report; Staff Statement and Supplement; Public Information Executive Director for Chile Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Chile). Ver aqui
FMI sobre la Economia Chilena (Chile: 2009 Article IV Consultation—Staff Report; Staff Statement and Supplement; Public Information Executive Director for Chile Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Chile). Ver aqui
UNCTAD sobre inversión extranjera directa en 2010, con referencia a Chile. Ver aqui
Chileinfo: ProChile's English site with information about Chile, regional offices, exporters directory, information on trade shows, etc.- here.
Guía para el Inversor, del Comité de Inversiones Extranjeras de Chile/Investor's Guide, from the Foreign Investment Committee of Chile - aquí/here
InvestChile: Corfo's English site with information about investment opportunities, an investment guide, investment incentives offered by the Chilean government and investor support services- here. Presentation about Corfo's incentives and reasons to invest in Chile aquí (Spanish) and here (English) (as of March 2011)
Also review our Frequently Asked Questions about Doing Business in Chile.
Información propia y de terceros para caracterizar la economía de Chile
AMCHAM´s Welcome to Chile - An AmchamChile guide to doing business in Chile (editada en 2008). Puede solicitar la versión electrónica o una copia en papel aqui. Request a copy here.
Amcham´s Presentation Kit. Powerpoint Presentation about various aspects of the Chilean economy and business environment, updated monthly. Presentación en PowerPoint sobre aspectos estructurales y coyunturales de la economía chilena, actualizada mensualmente. Vea más/See here.
Variables Económicas de Chile y EEUU. US and Chile Economic variables.
Estructura del Poder Ejecutivo (Administración) Nacional de Chile/Structure of the National Executive Branch of Chile. Ver aquí para español | See here for English
Salarios en Chile, actualizado mensualmente. Average salaries in Chile. Ver aqui
This is Chile, del Gobierno de Chile. Ver aquí.
Chile en el World Factbook de la CIA. Ver aqui.
Chile - Background Notes del Departamento de Estado de los EEUU. Ver aquí
Chile en el Fondo Monetario Internacional. Ver aqui.
Chile en el Banco Mundial. Ver aqui.
Chile - Country Commercial Guide del Departamento de Comercio de los EEUU (incluye un capítulo sobre Investment Climate Report). Ver aqui
National Trade Estimate del Departamento de Estado de los EEUU. Ver aqui
Política Comercial de Chile (Trade Policy Review) de la OMC. Ver aqui
Doing Business en Chile, de Deloitte. Ver aqui
Doing Business en Chile, Price Waterhouse Coopers - Ver aquí
FMI sobre la Economia Chilena (Chile: 2010 Article IV Consultation—Staff Report; Staff Statement and Supplement; Public Information Executive Director for Chile Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Chile). Ver aqui
FMI sobre la Economia Chilena (Chile: 2009 Article IV Consultation—Staff Report; Staff Statement and Supplement; Public Information Executive Director for Chile Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Chile). Ver aqui
UNCTAD sobre inversión extranjera directa en 2010, con referencia a Chile. Ver aqui
Chileinfo: ProChile's English site with information about Chile, regional offices, exporters directory, information on trade shows, etc.- here.
Guía para el Inversor, del Comité de Inversiones Extranjeras de Chile/Investor's Guide, from the Foreign Investment Committee of Chile - aquí/here
InvestChile: Corfo's English site with information about investment opportunities, an investment guide, investment incentives offered by the Chilean government and investor support services- here. Presentation about Corfo's incentives and reasons to invest in Chile aquí (Spanish) and here (English) (as of March 2011)
Also review our Frequently Asked Questions about Doing Business in Chile.