Chamber Disappointed at Failure in Global Trade Talks

24 Julio 2006
Chamber Disappointed at Failure in Global Trade Talks

WASHINGTON, D.C.-U.S. Chamber Senior Vice President for International Affairs Lt. Gen. Daniel W. Christman (Ret.) issued the following statement regarding the failure of the World Trade Organization's Doha Round trade negotiations this morning in Geneva:

"The U.S. Chamber is profoundly disappointed at the seeming collapse of the Doha Round this morning. The United States was almost alone in putting a serious offer on the Doha negotiating table. In fact, critics singled out the U.S. for being 'too ambitious.' U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab and Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns should wear that criticism as a badge of honor.

"A trade deal can only generate prosperity if it generates trade, but the market openings offered by other key players are just rounding errors. Major actors in the negotiations were demanding the right to exclude upwards of 95% of products from any tariff cuts. That will never fly.

"I'm certain the U.S. could improve our offer in future negotiations, but first we need movement from our partners. One next step is clear: We need to renew the president's trade negotiating authority for the sake of American workers, farmers, and businesses. We need to keep pressing for trade deals to open markets, both bilaterally and globally.

"We hope a period of reflection will bring our friends around the world back to the table with a will to negotiate in earnest."