Model Arbitration Clause Model Mediation Clause | The Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Chilean American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) has been created to provide mediation and arbitration as alternative dispute resolution methods. The Center is open to any person or company who requests its services, whether Chilean or foreign, to solve disputes arising from both domestic and international commerce. Mediation and Arbitration are regulated in accordance to the Arbitration and Mediation Rules of the Center and any provision of law applicable. In terms of structure and operation, the AmCham Arbitration and Mediation Center has relied upon the support and cooperation of the American Arbitration Association (AAA). The Arbitration and Mediation Rules were drafted with the support of the AAA and based on the models of UNICTRAL. Thus, they are internationally accepted. In Chile, it also has the support of the Ministry of Justice.
It is an effective and helpful tool for entrepreneurs and investors, making possible the quick and effective solution of disputes, which saves money and time.
Arbitration and Mediation are an additional attraction for foreign investment to our country due to the guaranties and opportunities which multinational companies can make use of in Chile. Advantages of arbitration and mediation as alternative dispute resolution methods
Benefits of arbitrating and mediating through our Center