Noticias AmCham Marzo 2006AmCham News March 2006

01 Marzo 2006

A fines de enero, la Asociación de Cámaras de Comercio Americanas en Latinoamérica (AACCLA) se reunió en Miami para su junta de planificación anual y, también, para celebrar su conferencia sobre “Perspectivas para Las Américas”. AACCLA está conformada por 23 AmChams (Cámaras de Comercio Americanas) de toda Latinoamérica y El Caribe, y está presidida por Kathleen Barclay, ex presidenta de AmCham Chile y directora de su Comité Editorial.

At the end of January, the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America (AACCLA) met in Miami for its annual planning meeting and a conference on “The Outlook for the Americas”. AACCLA brings together 23 American Chambers from around Latin America and the Caribbean, and is currently chaired by Kathleen Barclay, a past president of AmCham Chile and chair of its Editorial Committee. (An article, written by Kathleen Barclay in her capacity as AACCLA chair, can be found overleaf).