AmCham CommitteesAmCham Committees

21 Diciembre 2012

On October 16, AmCham’s Trade & Investment Committee met with Jason Hafemeister, VP of Allen Johnson & Associates, and Gustavo Rojas, director of Chile’s Office for Agrarian Research and Policies (ODEPA), to discuss the new Farm Bill in the United States. Both speakers analyzed the potential impact of this law on the Chilean agricultural sector. The meeting was chaired by Pablo Achurra, president of the Committee and of Aramark South America.

On October 16, AmCham’s Trade & Investment Committee met with Jason Hafemeister, VP of Allen Johnson & Associates, and Gustavo Rojas, director of Chile’s Office for Agrarian Research and Policies (ODEPA), to discuss the new Farm Bill in the United States. Both speakers analyzed the potential impact of this law on the Chilean agricultural sector. The meeting was chaired by Pablo Achurra, president of the Committee and of Aramark South America.
